Archive | November, 2014

Tell me again when this gets easier…

19 Nov

Anyone who knows me well knows how much I love Christmas.  More specifically,  decorations and lights. The first thing I always ask my friends when they move into a new home is “where are you going to put the Christmas tree?”  Ever since I was a child,  I have been this way. I don’t care about gifts, just twinkling lights and garland.

We never have a real tree.  Most of the people in my house have allergies so we have always went with the artificial trees.  Yes, trees. For the last several years we have had 5 trees in our house. My husband isn’t too crazy about that but since I’m crazy he chooses his battles.

We got married a few days after Christmas so we lived together almost a full year before our first Christmas as a married couple. I of course wanted to put up the tree before Thanksgiving and he said no.  This was our discussion for years so when he would say no I would go to moms and try to convince them their tree needed to be up. My step dad would usually give in and I at least got to work on that tree.  He loved Christmas about as much as I did.

Most of you know we lost him last December.  Christmas wasn’t easy on any of us and I took down the decorations earlier than normal after. The other night I convinced my husband I needed to put up the small tree in the den (don’t judge).  I’m still crazy so he didn’t put up much argument. I got out the tree and the ornaments for it and as I started taking it out of the box, a wave of sadness hit me like a ton of bricks.  That was days ago and I still haven’t finished decorating it and the lights have only been turned on once since it was assembled. I have contemplated not putting up any more trees this year because it’s too hard.

I don’t expect everyone to understand why this is so hard for me, and I am in no way blaming my step dad. I miss him. It’s hard to be happy when a piece of your life is missing. I’ve known since last year that this would be hard.  I’ve told myself I would try.  Normally, I’m worse than the kids about the Christmas tree and this year my heart hurts just thinking about it.

Tell me again when this gets easier…